Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Cali and B&G

Here are some pictures of Cali and the house at the office in Dallas
don't know what I was taking a picture of in the first one - sorry but I don't know how to delete it -

Dallas/Fort Worth

We arrived in Arlington about 17 miles from our office in Dallas. Sunday we went to Fort Worth and checked out the Stockyard - it was very interesting and we had alot of fun - we even had fried dill pickles Texas style.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Leaving Houston for Dallas

more pictues from Galvaston

Texas continued

We have spent two weeks in the Houston area and had a good time working with the guys at the Houston Branch - Rick, Richad, Ignacio and Clarke. I enjoyed the experience of the small branch and found out what happens when someone calls in sick - not fun. We explored over the weekend and went to Galvaston, and then up to Conroe and Lake Houston. We were trying to find some place for Dick to fish but it didn't happen.

We are now are our way to Dallas - once we were out of downtown Houston and pass the Woodlands it has been a pretty drive - (I'll try to get my pictures downloaded.) We are staying outside of Dallas in Arlington - the campgrounds are pretty full with vacation and the 4th of July approaching.

For you dog lovers - an update on Cali - Dick took her to several dog parks in the Houston area including Millie Bush's Bark Park. Cali has finally gotten to the point where she is not afraid to approach other little dogs. She acts all excited when we take her for a walk but then as soon as the dogs get close she lays down. She also lost her first tooth (not sure if there is a dog tooth fairy and if we should leave a treat). She has adjusted to life on the road and is gaining weight and getting taller - she is now 18#'s.

Hopefully I will do better about taking pictures.

Monday, June 14, 2010


On Saturday we started our trip to Texas. We are going there to help Target set up new branches in Houston, San Antonio, Austin, Dallas and then maybe onto Oklahoma City. The drive was good we saw alot of the desert until we got to Junction City we actually starting see some cattle, horses and deer. It started getting greener as we drove.
I will download a few pictures and then I'll take some pictures of the areas that the branch offices are in.

We are staying at a nice campground with a man made lake and this morning they were actually catching fish. Dick is going to try bass fishing in a day or two. He was resting today and letting Cali play outdoors. She was a great traveler but has a lot of energy.