Friday, October 1, 2010

North Dakota

We are in North Dakota now and Dick is already working in the fields. I am getting the motorhome set up and making plans to fly back home. I will work until he is ready to come home after the harvest and hunting and then I will fly back and drive home - I am sure the scenery will be completed different - I am anticipating alot of snow on the ground.

We took Cali to the kennel where her parents are - it is amazing how much she is like her mom and one of her sisters. The mom, dad, 2 brothers and 2 sisters are here being trained. One of them has been away like Cali but back for a couple of weeks - the others are amazing how ready they are for the field. Cali has all of the potential but she is a little wild so Paul will be working with her for a couple of weeks - he thinks thats all she will need and then for Dick to continue working with her. They have a process they use called "the box" they use these boxes to have the dogs come to instead of just coming to a person. It is amazing how this man can get the dogs to just sit there and not even move when he throws a bird. I am hoping we can Cali to that point.

Wyoming/South Dakota continued

as you can see it just continues to be a great trip. This is the perfect time to travel across the states -

Wyoming & South Dakota