Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Deer Lodge, MT

We drove from Glacier Park to Deer Lodge via a very scenic highway. I have never seen so many lakes that are unused . We encountered a deer but thank goodness she decided not to run in front of the motorhome - it is one thing to stop the jeep in time but the motorhome???
We arrive in Deer Lodge and this time we were able to see the whole ranch. Last time it was pouring down rain (we stopped there out of desperation) this was at one the largest working ranch in Montana - the family gave it to the State and they have perserved it as it was. It was very interesting to see and hear how the ranch was ran in the 1800's. The house still has the furnishings from the families that lived there. The second owner Conrad Kohr actually lived in the town we toured earlier - Bannack. They had the blacksmith, a cowboy who would teach you how to lasso and the chuckwagon where they brewed a pot of coffee on the open fire.

We visited the first territorial prison in Montana - not a nice place to be.

We headed out the next morning toward Wyoming but the wind was so bad we had to stop in a small town. Then during the night it rained really hard and the wind blew - I thought we would be staying there today but no rain and no wind so we headed out towards Greybull, Wyoming to stop for a short visit with Floyd Doty at his ranch. We are following the Yellowstone River this morning and as with all the other water ways in Montana it is beautiful. Last time the water levels were much lower - well we just caught up with the rain but no wind.

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