Saturday, October 3, 2009

Our trip home

Our trip home has been very interesting - the winds have been blowing which makes the drive a little hard for Dick. If anyone remembers from our last trip we were never going back to Miles City, Montana but you should never say never - that is where we stayed but we have to admit the people on the outskirts of town were very nice - we'll just stay out of old town. The next day we drove into some bad weather but we kept driving until we reached Rawlins, WY. It was 44 degrees when we pulled into our campsite and the wind was blowing. The next morning we woke up snow and 26 degrees. Our motorhome slides were our first concern but Dick was able to brush off the snow and they slid right in so we were on our way - we had snowy like weather until we reached Rock Springs and then the sun was out - still windy but driveable. We took a side trip through Provo Canyon and it was breathtaking. I have never seen anything like it - the red, orange and yellow trees made the hills look like they were on fire. I hope when I add the pictures you will be able to see the vivid colors. We spent the night in Fillmore, UT where finally we had no wind. WE had another delay due to our jacks not retracting but once they were fixed we were on our way - we had planned to stop in St. George and look around as we thought we wanted to move there but it has grown is to busy for us so we continued on and spent the night in Mesquite - we went out to dinner and did a little gambling which turned out great - Dick won $200 and I won $300 so all was good.

This has been another amazing trip - it was fun spending time and sightseeing with Don and Lea, visiting with Dick's cousins on the Nichols side at the family reunion in South Dakota, sightseeing in Minnesota and Wisconsin, fishing at Devil's Lake, visiting with relatives in North Dakota, and seeing parts of Wyoming and Utah that I hadn't seen before. We are already looking forward to planning our next RV excursion - it is the best!

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