Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Provo Canyon, Lake Utah, Fort Bridger & No Platte River

We drove through Provo Canyon and missed the vibrant colors by a few days - there is still color but not like last year and believe it or not we came home at the same time last year as we are going to North Dakota this year. An original name - Lake Utah was awesome - the water didn't have a ripple on it and Dick said "where is our boat?" We spent the night in Lyman, WY and then back tracked a little to visit Fort Bridger - it was very interesting part of history. There was a gentlemen there that gave us an explanation of what went on at the fort. Not too flattering for Brigham Young. As we proceeded towards Casper, WY we came upon another lake in the middle of no where and then the North Platte River.
Casper Wyoming is busy and not as nice as some of the other towns in Wyoming so no worries about having to move there. Tomorrow we will continue our journey stopping at some historical sites we have missed on other trips to and from North Dakota. One will be Devils tower monument which President Roosevelt deemed the first national mounument.

You can tell I did the pictures in reverse - the last picture is Provo Canyon and works it way to the North Platte River. They had drift boats on the river - what fun that would have been to do some drift fishing.

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