Saturday, August 25, 2012

Redding to Salem, Oregon

We continued our journey to Salem, Oregon to visit family friends- David and Linda and Linda's mother Ola (who was my Mom's best friend).  We had a great visit and did a sightseeing trip with them on a 17 mile scenic drive.  They own a Blueberry farm and they have turned it into a U-Pick so it was interesting to see the people who drove out and picked the blueberries.  It was fun that they were able to take some time off while we were there.
I made blueberry syrup and blueberry pancakes for breakfast. 
While on our sightseeing trip we took a hike to a waterfall and then the trail that goes behind the waterfall so you get it see it from both sides.  We saw a couple of covered bridges, hops growing (for making budweiser), stopped at a winery and sampled some Pinot Noir, had lunch at a quaint dinner where Dick had the biggest hamburger we have ever seen and it was a single.  I will have to post this picture later (it is on my phone and I don't have service right now.
It was sad to leave as we don't get to visit with them very often but we need to get down the road and to Wyoming for the big hunt.

Pictures will be added next

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