Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Elk Trip

Well the mystery is solved - the "Spot" got lost.  That is why we were having trouble tracking them and it appeared that they were in the same spot for 3 days.  Dick got the Elk he wanted - he got to hear the elk bugle so the trip was a huge success and everything that he wanted.  He shot his elk at 450 yards - hit it in the neck with a clean shot through the neck.  His elk scored 328 & 4/8 - that was a good score.  According to that measurement he had the biggest elk - one other guy scored 327 with a normal rack - but he could get his rescored and be higher - the guide likes to underscore so there are no disappointments.
Dick's elk is non-typical elk (which I found out means the rack grew in an odd way) his guide is going to enter it in a contest for non-typicals and feels Dick will place in the top 3 but it is the whole state of Wyoming and they have until the middle of October to get a bigger one.
Dick met 5 really nice guys and had a great hunting partner.  They ate gourment meals even a Turkey dinner.  Had really nice and helpful guides.   The long horseback ride was not as bad as he had anticipated.  The fall colors had started to turn as they came down the trail so had a beautiful view.

I think  if Dick never got to hunt again - he would feel he has had the best.
We are posting some pictures (hopefully) you can get a overview of his awesome trip.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Elk Trip Continued

No news from the hunter - I was able to track him on Monday and was a little hopeful that someone got an elk as they stayed out late and in the same area. Yesterday I wasn't able to track him and so far this morning I see nothing (bummer) it was fun to see them on the move.
I am working on the T-shirt quilt for Danielle.  You won't believe my work area - I am on an enclosed patio with windows looking out on the ranch and the horses.  I have my computer set up so I can do my Target work, my phone plugged in so I can actually talk to someone, and the quilt laid out on a long table and a pool table - couldn't ask for more.

The weather is beautiful and finally the skies are blue and clear.  The Cali and Rusty are getting along great!
Cali barks at the horses but enjoys the freedom of running around with no leash.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Elk Trip

Well we dropped Dick off on Saturday just outside of Cody for his ElkTrip.  He met up with the five other guys he will be hunting with.  Saturday night they have dinner at the ranch and sleep in the bunkhouse.  Sunday morning they were getting up early to head for their camp.  Dick is suppose to turn on his spot so that we can track him but so far today we have not been able to follow his trail.

Friday, September 7, 2012

My fish

Cali and Rusty
view from the motorhome


We have been in Wyoming since Labor Day.  We are all set up on the Doty Ranch.  Cali is having the time of her life being able to run free with Rusty, her new friend.  Dick leaves for his Elk trip on Saturday and Cali and I will stay here and take care of Rusty while his owners go on a golfing outting.  We had rain last night which will hopefully clear the smoke from the sky - they have beautiful hills and sunsets when it is clear - hopefully before we leave I can get a picture and let you see what we get to view daily.
We have gone fishing, golfing and today we are going a 4 wheel trip to Devil's Kitchen (not a clue) but after the trip I hope to have pictures.  We have been eating fresh vegetables from their garden (what a treat) - I could become a vegetarian.  We have seen antelope and deer, bunnies and beautiful birds.  Hopefully Dick will see that big Elk next week.