Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Elk Trip Continued

No news from the hunter - I was able to track him on Monday and was a little hopeful that someone got an elk as they stayed out late and in the same area. Yesterday I wasn't able to track him and so far this morning I see nothing (bummer) it was fun to see them on the move.
I am working on the T-shirt quilt for Danielle.  You won't believe my work area - I am on an enclosed patio with windows looking out on the ranch and the horses.  I have my computer set up so I can do my Target work, my phone plugged in so I can actually talk to someone, and the quilt laid out on a long table and a pool table - couldn't ask for more.

The weather is beautiful and finally the skies are blue and clear.  The Cali and Rusty are getting along great!
Cali barks at the horses but enjoys the freedom of running around with no leash.

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