Saturday, September 22, 2007

Idaho-the last saga


It has been a while since I could get into my blog. In order to get online at our last stay I had to search the town to find a connection. One night we had to have dinner out so I could use their wi-fi. Most days I found sitting in front of the library as they had the strangest hours. One day Dick was getting info on fly fishing and I was able to sit in a parking lot in front of the chamber of commerce and do my work.

Our last day in Idaho we went to check out Williams Lake (Carolyn has actually fished there) it was a nice drive from our campground and we encountered our first traffic jam - a herd of cattle. We didn't have time to fish as we wanted to get on down the road to Montana.

Idaho is a beautiful state and the Salmon river is awesome - it is very low right now but you can tell how fun it would be run the rafts and do a little fishing.

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