Saturday, September 15, 2007

Idaho - Lewis & Clark

Today was the best day of all - we went to drive the Lewis and Clark trail which was incredible then we had to choose which way we would go back to our campsite so I chose - wrong decision.
Dick went the way I instructed and two hours later we had found ourselves on a four wheel drive trial that was beyond our wildest dreams. Our jeep did a great job and finally Dick was able to get his barrings - he walked the trials and found one that had recent tire tracks so we followed that one - I never thought I would see a paved road again. We were on top of the world I kid you not - then we went down and up to the top again. I didn't get scared until I could tell Dick was not comfortable where we were - his biggest fear was that we would have to spend the night in our jeep in unfamilar territory. All turned out well but he will not let me direct him without looking at the map first. The funniest part was that we had a GPS system sitting in our motorhome -
We saw the biggest Antelope Dick had ever seen, deer, a coyote and beautiful birds along the way. We actually were following the Continental Divide and at one point we were in Montana instead of Idaho. There is one flower that grows along the roadway and I have to found out what it is - it is a cross between a desert flower and a sunflower.
Dick was able to visit tonight with some of the guys in the campground who are here to hunt Elk -so he is much happier.
Sorry this is so long but it was a very eventful day.

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