Friday, October 19, 2007

Litchville, ND

We have been doing some sightseeing in areas that we have not had to explore before when we have been in ND. Dick's mother grew up in this area too but usually when we come to ND it is for hunting and it is usually snowing so I can't get around by myself. I have traveled some of the roads and continue taking my old barn and school house pictures. We thought we might hae found an old house that Dick's grandparents lived in - but we are not sure - it just seemed familiar to Dick but it has been over 50 years. It is amazing what a person remembers from their childhood. The sun is out today and hopefully will remain out. It has been raining all week so they can't get back in the fields until they have a few days with wind and sunshine.

I have been working on my scrapbooking but taking my time and trying to choose the right pictures. I remembered Syliva G saying that you must write your story in your penmanship so I am doing that too.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Minnesota cont'd

There were too many beautiful pictures so here we go -


This weekend we drove to Minnesota to see Dick's cousin Tom and his wife LeAnne - they live on a lake in Minnesota. We also got together for dinner at Lakeside Inn (which is owned by

Tom & LeAnnes' daughter Chris and her husband Chet) with Dick's cousin Greg, wife Sindy and boys McKade and Kailor. We had a great time and ended up playing a numbers game and we had a hunting challenge on a video game. I did good at the numbers game but sucked at hunting.

Saturday morning we got up and the weather was a little iffy so we took a ride to see some of the fall colors and the surrounding houses on the lakes. There are some very elegant homes.

The colors were gorgeous and we stopped and did a little shopping at a very cute little store.

When we got back to their home the weather changed and it was sunny and very warm so off we went in the boat to view the lake. You will see the beautiful colors in the attached pictures. We some an awesome eagles nest and the cutest little loon.

Sunday we got up and went to breakfast and then for a hike in their woods and then a drive to Chris and Chet's house and then to her Uncle who makes the birdhouses. What a treat that was.

We had a great weekend! Thanks

On the way home (back to the farm) we stopped in Fargo for a short visit with Auntie Maxine.

She was getting ready to play bingo so we didn't want to keep her from all that fun - we'll drive in again for a longer visit.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

A day at the Farm

Yesterday I went out to the fields where they were harvesting the soybeans. I rode in the combined and learned a little about the machine and soybeans. Dick drives the tractor that pulls that dump trailer - after it is full he takes it to a bigger truck dumps the soybeans and returns tothe field to unload another combine. Once the big truck is full they take it to a storage bin and dump. These guys work long days - some nights they don't get back until 9- 9:30 pm.

I took them their lunch dinner (at lunch time) - on my way back I took some pictures.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Farm

Medora, ND

Red Lodge - MT

Little Big Horn Battleground

The Farm - Valley City-Litchville

We arrived at the farm and have a great spot for our motorhome - Dick's cousin gave us full hook-ups including wi-fi (no more trying to find a library or other means of internet service).
Dick is working with his cousins bringing in the corn and soybeans. He works from 8:00 am to 9:30 pm at night (not bad for someone who is retired). He is in seventh heaven being at the farm and working with his cousins.

Dakota and I stay busy - we go for two walks a day among the corn and open fields. When it is not threatening rain the sky is beautiful. We have had a couple beautiful sunsets.

Yesterday I ventured to drive the country roads to visit Dick's cousin who is the Postmaster at the Litchville Post Office and then I went to town to buy groceries and since you can't buy your liquor at the market and I went to the liquor store for wine and gin. It is very relaxing amtosphere.

Today I am taking lunch out to the guys in the field. They have a hot lunch at noon and then eat again whenever they make it back in the evening.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Bismarck, ND

We headed for Bismarck,ND to visit our cousin Bill and his wife Doreen and son Mathew. They just built a beautiful home on hill overlooking the river - with the fall colors lining the river it was an awesome view. The sunset was incredible. We had a wonderful dinner and visit with them.

On Saturday we went to the most amazing pumpkin patch - I have never seen so many pumpkins. I now have my fall decorations - my pumpkin has a little green running through it.

We had thought about revisiting some of the Lewis & Clark adventures in Mandan but Dick was anxious to continue our journey to the Farm.

Medora, ND

We left Billings and headed east -stopped to see where Clark had craved his initials in a rock along with indian markings. They are trying to perserve the area but so many others have craved names in the rock too. Guess tagging goes back along ways. We stopped in Miles City to see the historic ranching town and then onto Glendive - we were getting very close to the North Dakota border so we continued on. Dick wanted to spend some time in the badlands showing me where they hunt. I don't know how they find the same place twice - it all looks alike to me.
We had a dinner at Buffalo Gap - the best ribeye steak I have ever had - and a beautiful sunset.
The people were the friendliest we have had along the way. We spent the night in Medora and the next morning we played golf at Bully Pulpit -(everything in Medora has some reference to Theodore Roosevelt). I thought how hard can a golf course be in the middle of the Badlands - well I found out that I am good at taking pictures of the beautiful golf course - but by the time we finished I was exhausted - and they say that wasn't even the tough 9. The fall colors were gorgeous against the badlands and the green grass.