Friday, October 19, 2007

Litchville, ND

We have been doing some sightseeing in areas that we have not had to explore before when we have been in ND. Dick's mother grew up in this area too but usually when we come to ND it is for hunting and it is usually snowing so I can't get around by myself. I have traveled some of the roads and continue taking my old barn and school house pictures. We thought we might hae found an old house that Dick's grandparents lived in - but we are not sure - it just seemed familiar to Dick but it has been over 50 years. It is amazing what a person remembers from their childhood. The sun is out today and hopefully will remain out. It has been raining all week so they can't get back in the fields until they have a few days with wind and sunshine.

I have been working on my scrapbooking but taking my time and trying to choose the right pictures. I remembered Syliva G saying that you must write your story in your penmanship so I am doing that too.

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