Sunday, November 11, 2007

North Dakota Update

It has been a while since we posted any information on our trip.

We have been enjoying our stay in North Dakota - seeing relatives and just driving around the country roads.

Yesterday we took a drive with Dick's cousins Harlon and Sharon and went to a couple more of the townships where Dick's mother grew up. It was a great day and we had beautiful weather.

I have been taking alot of pictures of sunsets, barns, old farm houses, animals and scenery.

Dick went to Montana on his elk hunt but there were no elk to be seen. He did see beautiful scenery and his guide is sending us pictures that they took - I will download when they arrive.
After he got back to ND it was deer season and he shot his deer yesterday. He has had success hunting pheasants with his cousins out west. So all in all the hunting part of our trip has been successful.

My photo album is almost done and we will continue to add pictures of our trip home.

We will be stopping in Kansas to visit Dick's uncle and my aunt. Then we head on home via the Panhandle (a corner of Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico) through New Mexico and Arizona.

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