Monday, August 10, 2009

On The Road

Hello - I was hoping to display some pictures but I am still computer challenged but working on it. We stopped in Bishop so I could try my luck at Puiate Palace and won $70 on a new machine - I have no idea the name of it or how I even won - just lucky I guess. We then travelled to Reno where we stopped to see the new Scheels sporting good store (guess who needed to do that) he knows the owner from hunting in ND -it was an amazing store. Then we spent the night in Winnemucca - took our jeep and toured some old mines (I'll get the pictures online soon) there was the cutest mother cow and her calf just out in the middle of no where (amazing). Went back to town and played the longest 9 holes of golf ever - but I have to say I am now playing with my woods and the ball does go further - I think I will be buying a set as soon as we get to a big town (Thanks to Target and my anniversary gift). We are heading out today for Idaho

1 comment:

Kristina said...

Glad your trip is going well! I am excited that you are wanting new clubs! I am looking forward to hearing all about them! Can't wait to see the pictures! Have fun! Love You!