Friday, September 14, 2007

Idaho continued

We have just spent 2 days in Stanley, ID on the Salmon River. It is a beautiful setting we did a little fishing - I caught one and Dick caught zero (this has to be a first) we saw a red fox and deer. We are on our way to Salmon, ID to see if the fishing is any better. We have not run into very many friendly people - no one has much to say so Dick is a little disappointed. One lady in the fishing store was helpful and so Dick is trying out his fly fishing skills. I have the pictures downloaded now and I am trying to get them to the blog site. This time they may all come on one page but you will be able to figure out which update they go with.

1 comment:

carolyn said...

oh I am so jealous ! You'll enjoy Salmon. It's a neat little town loaded with history. (lewis and clark expedition and Sacajawea's birthplace). Williams Lake is nearby, and I have spent several summers there fishing and partcipating in other water sports. Have a good time !