Tuesday, October 9, 2007


This weekend we drove to Minnesota to see Dick's cousin Tom and his wife LeAnne - they live on a lake in Minnesota. We also got together for dinner at Lakeside Inn (which is owned by

Tom & LeAnnes' daughter Chris and her husband Chet) with Dick's cousin Greg, wife Sindy and boys McKade and Kailor. We had a great time and ended up playing a numbers game and we had a hunting challenge on a video game. I did good at the numbers game but sucked at hunting.

Saturday morning we got up and the weather was a little iffy so we took a ride to see some of the fall colors and the surrounding houses on the lakes. There are some very elegant homes.

The colors were gorgeous and we stopped and did a little shopping at a very cute little store.

When we got back to their home the weather changed and it was sunny and very warm so off we went in the boat to view the lake. You will see the beautiful colors in the attached pictures. We some an awesome eagles nest and the cutest little loon.

Sunday we got up and went to breakfast and then for a hike in their woods and then a drive to Chris and Chet's house and then to her Uncle who makes the birdhouses. What a treat that was.

We had a great weekend! Thanks

On the way home (back to the farm) we stopped in Fargo for a short visit with Auntie Maxine.

She was getting ready to play bingo so we didn't want to keep her from all that fun - we'll drive in again for a longer visit.

1 comment:

Shelli said...

The red chairs look to me like they could be a cover of a Nicholas Sparks book. You are taking some beautiful pictures. Your's right, the colors are wonderful. Sounds like you are having a wonderful time! Shelli