Saturday, September 12, 2009

Duluth, Minnesota

We left Detroit Lakes area on Tuesday after spending a few days with relatives at the Lakes. We ventured off to Duluth in hopes of seeing the fall foliage - we were a little early but still there was some beautiful colors - I think I liked seeing a little red, orange and yellow amongst the greens. We arrived in Duluth in the late afternoon - we had little problem with the jacks on our motorhome - but eventually Dick figured it out and we were off to the harbor area to see what we could see. The aerial bridge is amazing. We took a walk out the point and then on the Lake walk. Lake Superior really does look like an ocean so it was hard to call it a lake. There were even swells that I think the California surfers would have loved to ride. After our walk we were on our way to Grandma's Saloon for a drink when a tanker ship was approaching and we got to see the aerial bridge raise up and down. (there will be pictures).

The next morning we left for our journey to the north shore - it is over 100 miles - we didn't quite make it to the end as we had hoped - we thought we might be able to go over the border into Canada but we spent alot time stopping along the way. My favorite spot was Gooseberry Falls - when we were walking from fall to fall - it was so awesome that I really wanted to share it with our family - it was just one of those moments when you wished they could all be there with you. We saw several lighthouses, took a tour of the old tugboat (the Edna G.), saw how the ships are loaded with the ores. We stopped and bought smoked salmon and had a picnic with the ducks and pigeons. It was a great day!

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