Saturday, September 5, 2009

An unplanned adventure in Minnesota

We went on the spare of the moment to a town called Rolleg, MN. They were having their 57th Thrashing Reunion . It was so amazing I don't know how to tell you about it - we started out watching them saw lumber into 2x4, 2x6's etc. I had never seen this and it was a great experience. The parade started and all of the old tractors - including steam tractors dating back to the early 1900's. We rode a merry-go-round from the 1920, an old train. All the church's from the area were there with food - we started with a pancake breakfast, and then continued to eat as we walked around - they created an old town with a church, school house, house, mercantile - demonstrations on needle work, printing presses, soap making, thrashing both with horse power and steam power. It was just incredible to think that the farmers went from horse drawn plows to the the tractors - just incredible. They had old cars and trucks too. It was a great experince and the people are so friendly and love to talk about what they do.

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