Saturday, October 3, 2009

Our trip home

Our trip home has been very interesting - the winds have been blowing which makes the drive a little hard for Dick. If anyone remembers from our last trip we were never going back to Miles City, Montana but you should never say never - that is where we stayed but we have to admit the people on the outskirts of town were very nice - we'll just stay out of old town. The next day we drove into some bad weather but we kept driving until we reached Rawlins, WY. It was 44 degrees when we pulled into our campsite and the wind was blowing. The next morning we woke up snow and 26 degrees. Our motorhome slides were our first concern but Dick was able to brush off the snow and they slid right in so we were on our way - we had snowy like weather until we reached Rock Springs and then the sun was out - still windy but driveable. We took a side trip through Provo Canyon and it was breathtaking. I have never seen anything like it - the red, orange and yellow trees made the hills look like they were on fire. I hope when I add the pictures you will be able to see the vivid colors. We spent the night in Fillmore, UT where finally we had no wind. WE had another delay due to our jacks not retracting but once they were fixed we were on our way - we had planned to stop in St. George and look around as we thought we wanted to move there but it has grown is to busy for us so we continued on and spent the night in Mesquite - we went out to dinner and did a little gambling which turned out great - Dick won $200 and I won $300 so all was good.

This has been another amazing trip - it was fun spending time and sightseeing with Don and Lea, visiting with Dick's cousins on the Nichols side at the family reunion in South Dakota, sightseeing in Minnesota and Wisconsin, fishing at Devil's Lake, visiting with relatives in North Dakota, and seeing parts of Wyoming and Utah that I hadn't seen before. We are already looking forward to planning our next RV excursion - it is the best!

Visiting in North Dakota

After a wonderful stay in the Devil's Lake area we drove to Bismarck where we visited with our North Dakota cousins. Billy and Doreen had us over for drinks and out to dinner. They have a beautiful home and an awesome view of the Missouri River from their backyard. We had a little problem with the motorhome so the next day we dropped it off for repair and went to the Heritage Center in Bismarck - it is very well done it takes you from the Dinosours to present day. We went to dinner at Bill and Doreen's and Chuck and MaryAnn drove down from Valley to join us. Bill is a great cook and we had a wonderful dinner which included Dick and I eating brussel sprouts - really. We enjoyed a fire with cigars and port. On Saturday Dick and I took a drive to the Lewis & Clark Center and the fort. We did a lot of siteseeing and gathered alot of information about the indians and Lewis and Clark.
On Sunday we drove out to look at the cutest "cocker spaniel hunting dogs" I could have brought them all home with me. It was a very warm day and people were boating on the Missouri river - they even have a sandbar (just like at the river). That evening we visited with Dick's cousin Michael and his wife Karol. The next morning we had a very delicious branch and visited with Dick's Aunt Maxine and cousins Penny and Susan. It was good to see them and Maxine looked great.

Tuesday we left for Valley City and were able to do some golfing at three different courses in the area. We had dinner with Dick's cousin Harlon and Sharon and then met up again with them to go to the big craft show at Fort Ransom - after that we played golf in Grand Rapids - this is a golf course built by the farmers. It is also a city where Dick's grandparents lived and his grandfather worked as the custodian of the schools - we had visited there on our 2007 trip.
We had dinner with Chuck and MaryAnn and plans were made for Dick to join the harvest team again this year. With that decision made we decided it would be best for us to head for home with the motorhome and Dick could fly back to ND- he will work with Chuck, Gary and Billy and then do a little pheasant hunting with Tom, Greg and Michael.

Devil's Lake

Our journey back from Duluth took us back through Detroit Lakes - we spent the night at Long Lake and had nice neighbors who stay there from May through October and had planted green grass and beautiful flower bowls. We then drove to East Grand Forks and spent the night and then went shopping at the Cabela store. We drove to Devils Lake where we had a very nice 3 days. We camped at Spirit Lake Casino which allowed for a little gambling, dinner out and then we hired a guide to take us fishing for walleye and northern pike. I was lucky enough to catch both the walleye and the northern pike. Devil's Lake is pretty amazing as it keeps growing due to the wet seasons. It has flooded out many homes and roads. Some of the fishing sites are named for the roads and the people who owned the houses.
While we were in the area we took a drive to the Wildlife area - we didn't see any wildlife other than the praire dogs but they were very entertaining. We also visited a fort that was used at one time for schooling the indians.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Wisconsin Drive

On Thursday we ventured to Wisconsin - the drive was not what we expected but we had a good time. There were more fall colors on this drive. We were going to go along the shoreline again but then headed inland. We had lunch at a state park and came across more waterfalls ( the color of the water was brownish red and we figured out it must be because of the ore deposits. There was a 55' covered bridge which was kind of neat. We came back to the Lake and explored a beach and walked out as far as we could to the oldest lighthouse on the Lake. We had hoped to take the sightseeing trip of Lake Superior by boat but the weather the next day was not good so we headed on out. We stopped at Northern Lights out of Walker and did a little gambling. I scored and got to play Little Green Men and Mr. Cashman - not big winnings but I didn't lose so that was good. We are spending the weekend at Long Lake in Detriot Lakes and then we will head out for Devil's Lake in North Dakota. We are hoping to do some fishing there. Of course we will need to make a stop in Grand Forks for Cabella's.

Duluth, Minnesota

We left Detroit Lakes area on Tuesday after spending a few days with relatives at the Lakes. We ventured off to Duluth in hopes of seeing the fall foliage - we were a little early but still there was some beautiful colors - I think I liked seeing a little red, orange and yellow amongst the greens. We arrived in Duluth in the late afternoon - we had little problem with the jacks on our motorhome - but eventually Dick figured it out and we were off to the harbor area to see what we could see. The aerial bridge is amazing. We took a walk out the point and then on the Lake walk. Lake Superior really does look like an ocean so it was hard to call it a lake. There were even swells that I think the California surfers would have loved to ride. After our walk we were on our way to Grandma's Saloon for a drink when a tanker ship was approaching and we got to see the aerial bridge raise up and down. (there will be pictures).

The next morning we left for our journey to the north shore - it is over 100 miles - we didn't quite make it to the end as we had hoped - we thought we might be able to go over the border into Canada but we spent alot time stopping along the way. My favorite spot was Gooseberry Falls - when we were walking from fall to fall - it was so awesome that I really wanted to share it with our family - it was just one of those moments when you wished they could all be there with you. We saw several lighthouses, took a tour of the old tugboat (the Edna G.), saw how the ships are loaded with the ores. We stopped and bought smoked salmon and had a picnic with the ducks and pigeons. It was a great day!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Cotton Lake Pictures

First picture - Dick waterskiing - Second picture - Dick getting up
third picture - Kailor skiing - fourth pictures - cousins - Tom, Greg, Chuck & Dick
fifth picture - McCade skiing

The lakes - Minnesota cont'd

After a great Friday in Rollag Dick and I ventured around the lakes. We stopped at Lida Lake and visited with Gqry and Kathy and we got to see Kasey, Kari and Kim and thier spouses and children - it was a good stop. On Sunday we played a game of golf at Green Valley Golf Course - I found out that it wasn't my golf clubs it is the golfer - even with my new clubs I don't do so well. Guess I will have to continue to practice as we go along. We set out on a mission to find my Loon items I wanted for the motorhome. We ventured to Vergas and went by Loon Lake. We found a few items and then stopped for lunch at Billy's Pub - had a great hamburger and played bingo. Monday LeAnne picked me up and we went to the flea market which ws very fun. Then we met up with Dick and Tom at the Lakeside Inn for refreshments before heading out to Cotton Lake - Greg, Sindy, McCade and Kailor had us out for the day and we had a great time - Chuck and Maryann joined up. The boys are great waterskier's (pictures will be attached) Dick gave it hisbest shot but different boat, different ski made for some interesting falls.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Dick and Phyllis

Dick and I next to a veryold tractor (only 7 of these were made).
We had a great time

An unplanned adventure in Minnesota

We went on the spare of the moment to a town called Rolleg, MN. They were having their 57th Thrashing Reunion . It was so amazing I don't know how to tell you about it - we started out watching them saw lumber into 2x4, 2x6's etc. I had never seen this and it was a great experience. The parade started and all of the old tractors - including steam tractors dating back to the early 1900's. We rode a merry-go-round from the 1920, an old train. All the church's from the area were there with food - we started with a pancake breakfast, and then continued to eat as we walked around - they created an old town with a church, school house, house, mercantile - demonstrations on needle work, printing presses, soap making, thrashing both with horse power and steam power. It was just incredible to think that the farmers went from horse drawn plows to the the tractors - just incredible. They had old cars and trucks too. It was a great experince and the people are so friendly and love to talk about what they do.

The Lakes - Minnesota

The first picture is a Loon, the second is the beautiful fall colors starting to change and third is a perfect christmas tree. We are camped on Coromrant Lake - Dick's cousin has a house on this lake and we were lucky to find a camping spot. The people are so friendly and have invited us to join them tonight for a potluck and karoke (they don't know I can't sing). The weather has been beautiful the last couple of days. I am hoping to get a closer picture of my Loons - we are staying here at least until Tuesday and maybe longer. We have taken a couple of pantoon boat rides at on the lake - We are hoping to fish - the walleye are biting and they taste great!
We are close to Detroit Lakes - Minnesota.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

South Dakota to Minnesota

We left Spearfish on Thursday and headed out to Little House - we spent the night in a town called Chamberlain/Ocama half way across South Dakota. The Missouri river runs through it and it was awesome to see. We took a ride and saw some deer in the evening and had dinner out. The next morning we headed for DeSmet, SD - it is the town that Laura's family moved to towards the end. The girls were grown and Laura even taught school here. They had a beautiful home of which we got to tour. No picture taking was allowed but it had actually items that belonged to each of the girls and Ma & Pa. The lady who took us on the guided tour loved her job so much - she had so much history about the family that I learned quite a bit(and I thought I knew alot). We spent the night at Lake Thompson and were able to take a walk on the shoreline. The next morning we left for Minnesota - we arrived in a town called PipeStone. Took a tour of the national monument - I don't know alot about indian history and this was totally interesting. It is a scared ground and you have to have permission to do any digging - and to get permission you have to prove that you are an Indian. We overheard a man trying to get permission - it is not easy from what we could tell. The stone that they are digging for in buried deep in the ground and takes a long time to get to (if they can even find any). The stone is very red and smooth. Sunday we got up and weren't quite sure what we would do -
got in the jeeps and headed for Walnut Grove - it was very excited to arrive in the town of Walnut Grove and the first thing that you come to is Plum Creek - Little House fans know that Laura's house was dug into the creekside along the banks of Plum Creek. Years ago a family named Gordon bought the property but didn't know the history of Little House - they have been so generous in allowing visitors to drive on their property and visit the banks where the house was dug - they have erected a sign so you can see where the dugout house was. Back in town they have a museum which displays the items used in that period of time - they have recreated the dugout house, church and schoolroom. They have a replica of a covered wagon (I actually surprised Dick and set on the seat for a picture). It was truly worth the trip. I really think I belonged in that era.
We were lucky to see a young family and the girls were dressed in apron and bonnets and having a great time. The father is reading them the books.

We left there and drove to another town - Sanborn - a farmer had wanted to recreate the houses of that era and re built two sod houses and an outhouse. He replanted his fields with prairie grass and corn. Dick actually walked among the prairie grass and we couldn't see him - he said it would have been very easy to get lost out on the prarie. We took lots of pictures as he even furnished the sod houses with what would have been in the houses - he even had clothing.

We left Sanborn and drove a little further down the road to an area of farm land that had actual petroglyphs carved in the exposed bedrock of Sioux Quartize. We had difficulty finding the petroglyphs but one of the rangers helped us.

We are in the southern part of Minnesota and will be working our way north in the next few days. I can't believe how beautiful each state is and how much we have been able to see. Minnesota is raising alot of corn and soybeans and a few of the farmers have added the big windmills - it looks a little strange on out on the prairie.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Spearfish, South Dakota

We stopped in Spearfish, Sd for a short visit and have been here 3 days. It is a beautiful spot and we have seen some awesome sights. We drove to Spearfish Canyon and saw two amazing waterfalls, beautiful flowers, rock formations, and trees that were just starting to turn to fall colors. We went to the Great Plains Heritage Museum which was done so well - it covered all of the history. It is surprising how much of our history has been recorded and precious treasures saved. We enjoyed the drive so much the first day that we decided to stay and continue on down the road and finish the loop - no more waterfalls but gorgeous scenery - the road led us to a gold mining town -Lead, SD - it has alot of old buildings from as far back as 1879. I believe there is still gold in the huge mine. One of the mines was over 1/2 mile wide and 1200 ' deep.
We had fried dill pickles - I can't wait to get home and make them for everyone - they are really really good - they even gave us peanut butter to dip them in - I know what you are thinking but it was really good - they are good even without any dip. I think we will have to try them with our salsa and sour cream dip.
We also were able to get a round of golf at Belle Fouche Country Club thanks to Lea's cousin It was a beautiful course with very green grass, fast greens, some very cute wood craved bears along the way. I am getting better with my woods and driver each time we play.
We are off to explore more of South Dakota tomorrow - it will take us a couple of days to drive across South Dakota.

Nichols Reunion South Dakota

We had our family reunion in South Dakota. It was fun to see relatives we hadn't seen for a while and meet new ones. We enjoyed good food, drinks and stories. We also had time to visit Mt. Rushmore, Crazyhorse (which was amazing), a drive to Deadwood for a little gambling (I needed to replenish my spending money). We visited with some nice people in the campground alot of them were from the San Diego area.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Greybull, Wyoming

We stopped to visit Floyd and Darlene yesterday at thier Ranch in Greybull. It's the most beautiful setting I have ever seen. It almost didn't look real. We had a great visit and we also got to see a couple that I use to work with when I was in college - who would have guessed.
We had a great bbq dinner and then took a drive to view the wildlife and a "dude ranch" and just the beautiful surroundings. Wyoming's terrian is different from Montana and Idaho but when the sun sets it is breathtaking. We are now on our way to South Dakota - it will be a long drive today - I can only hope that I have internet service and can work along the way. The view from my office changes hourly.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Deer Lodge, MT

We drove from Glacier Park to Deer Lodge via a very scenic highway. I have never seen so many lakes that are unused . We encountered a deer but thank goodness she decided not to run in front of the motorhome - it is one thing to stop the jeep in time but the motorhome???
We arrive in Deer Lodge and this time we were able to see the whole ranch. Last time it was pouring down rain (we stopped there out of desperation) this was at one the largest working ranch in Montana - the family gave it to the State and they have perserved it as it was. It was very interesting to see and hear how the ranch was ran in the 1800's. The house still has the furnishings from the families that lived there. The second owner Conrad Kohr actually lived in the town we toured earlier - Bannack. They had the blacksmith, a cowboy who would teach you how to lasso and the chuckwagon where they brewed a pot of coffee on the open fire.

We visited the first territorial prison in Montana - not a nice place to be.

We headed out the next morning toward Wyoming but the wind was so bad we had to stop in a small town. Then during the night it rained really hard and the wind blew - I thought we would be staying there today but no rain and no wind so we headed out towards Greybull, Wyoming to stop for a short visit with Floyd Doty at his ranch. We are following the Yellowstone River this morning and as with all the other water ways in Montana it is beautiful. Last time the water levels were much lower - well we just caught up with the rain but no wind.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Waterton Lake National Park -

We drove to Albeta Canada to see the sister park to Glacier. There are no Glacier's here but it is beautiful. We stopped at the hotel "Prince of Wales" it was spectular with an awesome view. Drove to Waterton Lake with its walking paths. Here we were able to see wildlife - as we entered the park there was a small herd of Elk, a little fox, a small deer, then we spotted a brown bear and of course had to pull over and take a million pictures. As we contined the drive a black bear crossed in front of us. We drove to the Bison Paddock and as we turned the corner a herd of Bison was in the road so we waited and took more pictures.

We took a few more side trips back into Glacier Park from other entrances - Two Medicine - to see a waterfall - the sun came out for a few mintues so we hiked back to the falls. East Glacier entrance - the hotel is very majestic - Dick got a couple of great shots of the inside and we have some pictures of the outside with their beautiful flowers. There were flowers everywhere.
On the road back to our campground we tried to spot the mountain goats but it was raining and they were smart enough to stay where it was dry. It was interesting to see the snow sheds for the trains to protect the tracks from avalanches.

It was late when we got back to camp so we stopped at a local cafe and had dinner and homemade Huckleberry Pie. They make alot of things from the huckleberries - they are a little tart but very good.

The weather was so rainy that there were no river rafting or helicopter tours.

We are leaving for Deer Lodge on Monday - as we continue to the reunion in South Dakota.

Glacier National Park

This is truly one of the great wonders of the world. With all the people that visit this site it is very clean and beautiful. It rained the entire time but it didn't stop from driving and stopping along the way - it would have been great to take the hikes but will still could enjoy the beauty.
When we got to the top of the "going to the sun road" (no sun) we had snow flurries. You can not believe how beautiful all the wild flowers are growing along the road. The glaciers can only be seen from afar but the wonder of what the glaciers did is well worth the trip here. You will see as soon as I post my pictures (which will be when we get to Deer Lodge).

Polson, Mt

We enjoyed the view as we drove along to Polson, Mt for a stop over. It actually turned out to be exciting. We took a drive around Flathead lake (which is gigantic) it goes forever. It rained and hailed on us as we stopped to buy fresh picked cherries from a roadside stand. (I am getting ready to download all of our pictures and then I will post them and you can see the beautiful scenery. We have had no downtime since we left. We left for Glacier National Park.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Idaho - 2009

We had the most amazing visit to Glenn's Ferry - there is a lot of history about the Oregon Trail. We stayed in a campground that had a view of a golf course and a winery. We had dinner at the winery- did some wine tasting and then the next morning played golf. We then headed out towards Stanley where we spent the night at a campground with a view of the Sawtooth mountains - we saw a very large bald headed eagle. The town is doing better than in 2007. The river actually has flowing water in it so they are back doing some rafting trips and fishing. Wish we had longer but we need to make it to Glacier park and have a ways to go. We are going to Salmon this morning and then will take some day tours in the jeep.

Monday, August 10, 2009

On The Road

Hello - I was hoping to display some pictures but I am still computer challenged but working on it. We stopped in Bishop so I could try my luck at Puiate Palace and won $70 on a new machine - I have no idea the name of it or how I even won - just lucky I guess. We then travelled to Reno where we stopped to see the new Scheels sporting good store (guess who needed to do that) he knows the owner from hunting in ND -it was an amazing store. Then we spent the night in Winnemucca - took our jeep and toured some old mines (I'll get the pictures online soon) there was the cutest mother cow and her calf just out in the middle of no where (amazing). Went back to town and played the longest 9 holes of golf ever - but I have to say I am now playing with my woods and the ball does go further - I think I will be buying a set as soon as we get to a big town (Thanks to Target and my anniversary gift). We are heading out today for Idaho

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

2009 Trip

We are starting out again on August 7th - we will be traveling to some of the same places we visited in 2007 - our goal is to reach South Dakota by August 21st for a Nichols Family Reunion.
We hope you will enjoy our adventure and see where it takes us this year.